onedrive共享文件_如何在Windows 10中从OneDrive共享文件和文件夹
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With OneDrive, it’s easy to share files and folders securely and easily with other people. They won’t need to install any special applications or sign up for a new account. In fact, they can use any web browser to get to the files you share with them. And you have a complete control in your hand—your files will only be shared with the people you choose. In this article, we’ll show you how to share files and folders from your OneDrive, and different permissions you might want to know about before sharing.

借助OneDrive,可以轻松安全地与他人共享文件和文件夹。 他们不需要安装任何特殊的应用程序或注册新帐户。 实际上,他们可以使用任何Web浏览器来访问您与他们共享的文件。 而且您掌握了完全的控制权-您的文件只会与您选择的人共享。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何从OneDrive共享文件和文件夹,以及共享之前可能需要了解的其他权限。

从桌面共享文件或文件夹 (Share a File or Folder from the Desktop)

In Windows 8.1, OneDrive was integrated into the operating system through an app that you couldn’t uninstall, and settings were easily accessible from PC settings. Through the modern app, users were able to upload their files and folders easily, and even share them without having to use the web interface of OneDrive all the time. OneDrive for Windows 10 brings better integration with the File Explorer. You’re just a click away to share a link of file or folder.

在Windows 8.1中,OneDrive通过无法卸载的应用程序集成到操作系统中,并且可以从PC设置轻松访问设置。 通过现代应用程序,用户可以轻松上传文件和文件夹,甚至可以共享它们,而不必一直使用OneDrive的Web界面。 Windows 10的OneDrive可与文件资源管理器更好地集成。 只需单击一下即可共享文件或文件夹的链接。

Sharing a file as a link has many advantages, particularly when sending them through email. Email can be rejected by servers when attachments are too large, and even if a large email makes it to your recipient, the recipient might not be happy for having big attachment in their mailbox. OneDrive makes it easy to share a link to a file that can be sent by email, Facebook, or as a text message.

共享文件作为链接具有许多优点,尤其是通过电子邮件发送文件时。 当附件太大时,服务器可能会拒绝电子邮件,即使向收件人发送的电子邮件很大,收件人也可能不满意邮箱中的附件很大。 通过OneDrive,可以轻松共享指向文件的链接,该链接可以通过电子邮件,Facebook或短信发送。

Open OneDrive in File Explorer and locate the file or folder you want to share. Right-click the file or folder to reveal the context menu and select “Share a OneDrive Link”.

在文件资源管理器中打开OneDrive,然后找到要共享的文件或文件夹。 右键单击文件或文件夹以显示上下文菜单,然后选择“共享OneDrive链接”。

After a few seconds a notification will appear letting you know that a link has been prepared.


Open Mail client and enter the email address of the recipient of the file. Right-click and choose “Paste” in the body of the email message to paste the shared OneDrive Link. Upon receipt of the message, the recipient simply has to click the link to have access to your shared file.

打开邮件客户端,然后输入文件收件人的电子邮件地址。 右键单击并在电子邮件正文中选择“粘贴”以粘贴共享的OneDrive链接。 收到邮件后,收件人只需单击链接即可访问您的共享文件。

Even though this link grants access to only the document or folder it was generated for, there is nothing to identify who used the link, and it could be shared with anyone. If you want a greater control, you might want to share from the web interface, which will allow you to share with specific email addresses and grant limited access to the file.

即使此链接仅授予对其生成的文档或文件夹的访问权限,也无法标识谁使用了该链接,并且可以与任何人共享。 如果您希望获得更大的控制权,则可能希望通过Web界面进行共享,这将允许您与特定的电子邮件地址共享并授予对该文件的有限访问权限。

从OneDrive.com共享文件或文件夹 (Share a File or Folder from OneDrive.com)

Open OneDrive in File Explorer and locate the file or folder you want to share. Right-click the file or folder to reveal the context menu and select “More OneDrive sharing options”.

在文件资源管理器中打开OneDrive,然后找到要共享的文件或文件夹。 右键单击文件或文件夹以显示上下文菜单,然后选择“更多OneDrive共享选项”。

Once you click this option, your default web browser will open OneDrive to the sharing options of the particular shared folder. Then choose any one from the following share options.

单击此选项后,默认的Web浏览器将打开OneDrive到特定共享文件夹的共享选项。 然后从以下共享选项中选择任何一个。

邀请人 (Invite People )

Choose this option if you want to give specific individuals or group permissions to an item. This lets you remove permission for specific individuals or groups later if you need to. In the “To” box, enter email addresses or contact names from the list. Add a note to recipients if you want. To change the permission level, tap or click “Recipients can only view” or “Recipients can edit”.

如果您要授予某项特定的个人或组权限,请选择此选项。 这样,您便可以在以后根据需要删除特定个人或组的权限。 在“收件人”框中,从列表中输入电子邮件地址或联系人姓名。 如果需要,可向收件人添加注释。 要更改权限级别,请点击或单击“收件人只能查看”或“收件人可以编辑”。

  • If you choose “Recipients can only view”, then recipients you invite can view, download or copy the files you share.

  • If you choose “Recipients can edit”, then recipients can use Office Online to edit office documents without signing in. To make other changes (like adding or deleting files in a folder), recipients need to sign in with a Microsoft account.

    如果选择“收件人可以编辑”,则收件人可以使用Office Online编辑Office文档而无需登录。要进行其他更改(例如在文件夹中添加或删除文件),收件人需要使用Microsoft帐户登录。
  • If you pick “Recipients can edit” and a recipient forwards the message, anyone who receives it will also be able to edit the item you’re sharing. People with edit permissions can also invite others to have edit permissions to the item. This can be a security concern for some users. However, you can always go back to the “Share” settings to remove anyone you do not want to access the shared folder.

    如果您选择“收件人可以编辑”,并且收件人转发了该邮件,则收到该邮件的任何人也可以编辑您共享的项目。 具有编辑权限的人还可以邀请其他人对该项目进行编辑。 对于某些用户来说,这可能是一个安全隐患。 但是,您始终可以返回“共享”设置以删除您不想访问共享文件夹的任何人。

If you always want recipients to sign in with a Microsoft account (to even view the item you’re sharing), choose “Recipients need to sign in with a Microsoft account”. This helps prevent other people from accessing the shared item if a recipient forwards your message. Tap or click “Share” to save the permission settings and send a message with a link to the item. If you share an item with people who don’t have a Microsoft account, they can create one for free.

如果您始终希望收件人使用Microsoft帐户登录(甚至查看您共享的项目),请选择“收件人需要使用Microsoft帐户登录”。 如果收件人转发了您的邮件,这有助于防止其他人访问共享项目。 点击或单击“共享”以保存权限设置并发送一条带有指向该项目的链接的消息。 如果您与没有Microsoft帐户的人共享一个项目,他们可以免费创建一个项目。

Choose this option to share items with lots of people you might not even know personally. You can use these links to post to Facebook, LinkedIn, email, or text message. Anyone who gets the link can view, copy, and download the item. The recipients can even forward the message. Choose the type of link you want. The permissions for the item are automatically updated when you create the link.

选择此选项可以与很多您甚至不认识的人共享项目。 您可以使用这些链接发布到Facebook,LinkedIn,电子邮件或短信。 知道链接的任何人都可以查看,复制和下载该项目。 收件人甚至可以转发邮件。 选择所需的链接类型。 创建链接时,该项目的权限会自动更新。

  • View only — When you share an item with this type of link, then recipients can view, copy, or download the items without signing in. They can also forward the link to other people.

  • Edit — When you share an item with this type of link, the recipients can edit specific files, and can add, copy, move, rename, or even delete files in a shared folder. Recipients can forward the link, change the list of people sharing the files or folder, and even change permissions for their recipients.

    编辑-使用这种类型的链接共享项目时,收件人可以编辑特定文件,并且可以在共享文件夹中添加,复制,移动,重命名甚至删除文件。 收件人可以转发链接,更改共享文件或文件夹的人员列表,甚至更改其收件人的权限。

Finally tap or click “Create Link”.


To post the link on a social network site, tap or click the icon for the social network. If you want to include the link in a text message, or in a printed document then you might want to shorten the link. Tap or click “Shorten link” to make the URL shorter.

要将链接发布到社交网站上,请点击或单击该社交网络的图标。 如果要在文本消息或打印文档中包含链接,则可能需要缩短链接。 点击或单击“缩短链接”以缩短URL。

停止共享文件或文件夹 (Stop Sharing File or a Folder )

You cannot stop sharing or control permissions through a desktop. You have to do it through the OneDrive website. To see all the items you have shared, tap or click “Shared” in the left pane, and then tap or click “Shared by me”.

您无法停止通过桌面共享或控制权限。 您必须通过OneDrive网站进行操作。 要查看您共享的所有项目,请点击或单击左窗格中的“共享”,然后点击或单击“我共享”。

If you are the owner of the item or have edit permissions then you can stop sharing an item or change the permissions others have to it. Select the checkbox of the shared item, and then tap or click “Share” on the bar at the top of the page.

如果您是项目的所有者或拥有编辑权限,则可以停止共享项目或更改其他人对其具有的权限。 选中共享项目的复选框,然后点击或单击页面顶部栏上的“共享”。

Under “Shared with”, select the permissions you want to change. You can switch the permissions between editing and only viewing, and stop sharing through any links you created.

在“共享者”下,选择要更改的权限。 您可以在编辑和仅查看之间切换权限,并停止通过创建的任何链接进行共享。

Concluding this article, it’s quite easy share file and folder. And you have a complete control in your hand—your files will only be shared with the people you choose. Just be extra cautious with the permissions.

总结本文,共享文件和文件夹非常简单。 而且您掌握了完全的控制权-您的文件只会与您选择的人共享。 只是要格外小心。




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